
Ironhide in the city

Bumblebee's Close-Up
Optimus attacking Demolisher
Optimus getting pwned

The Autobots are beat, (in more ways then one)

Demolisher does his stuff
Demolishor's Death

OMG! Megatron!
Megatron knows where the Autobots are hiding... Mwa Ha ha ha ha!
He turns into a tank! Ha ha!
Megatron fortunately does not see Jazz...
...But Jazz sees him!

The Autobots are going to stop Megatron... No matter the cost!

Ratchet arrives!
Megatron untransforms!
Here comes Ironhide and BB!
Megatron kicks Ratchet in the stomach! Ow!
Megatron kicks Ironhide and BB out of the way... Only OP and Jazz are left!

Note: These aren't the final stills, and the images may sometimes not be exact with the movie. Be aware!