Friday, December 10, 2010

A Very Long Post

Hi! There are so many things that happened in the course of two days, including... Well, you'll see. The post is so long I'm splitting it into sections. Have fun!

OP Attacks M

Megatron and Optimus!

Stab! Stab! Ow!

Yes it finally happened! We rendered OP stabbing M with his sword and pushing back so that Megatron would fall down. 

Megatron Looks Up

OMG! Epic! He looks up!
Megatron looks up to see Jazz coming own on him.
Very epic indeed.

Jazz in the Dundundun Sequence!

You know the sequence in the beginning where it goes dundundundundundun and it shows all the Autobots? Of course you don't, we never showed it to you. But anyway its there and we added Jazz to the last time it does the dundundundundun thing. Confused? Heres the dundundundundun sequence:

We Modeled Blackout!

Blackout's meager beginning

Hey Blackout, look over there! ... Ha, pulled your leg.

Now now Blackout... Lets not be waist-ful!
Blackout's Poster!
So we modeled Blackout. Unfortunately, we can't put him in the music video, because there is no room.
Oh, wait, scratch that last bit. We do have room for a special sneak peek at the end! Whew.
Even though Blackout is barely in our video yet, he still gets his own wallpapers, so go check 'em out!

Thats about it. Have fun, and I hope the next post won't be too long. ;)

-- GS

J jumps in air, landing next to Megatron, 3 secs. long

J's Final Punch, 4 secs. long

Titles, each clip 3 secs. long

Surprise Blackout Clip at the End, 5 secs. long