Friday, March 4, 2011

It Isn't Over Yet!

Hey everybody! It's 2011! Wow! Last time we posted it was 2010! But anyway...
We modeled Frenzy. Even though we can't use him for anything now. We also remodeled Optimus Prime, now he can transform, and Megatron as well. We thought we would like to top off our remodeling and modeling with a poster. And not any old poster. A BIG poster. We're talking about a 5000 x 5000 poster. The kind you see in movie theaters. But better quality. Well, we did it. It wasn't easy.

We also VIDEOTAPED us modeling Frenzy, which is a first.

So yes, we actually do have some news. So step on over to the wallpapers page, we have a poster or two or maybe even three of Frenzy, and the 5000 x 5000 poster, which we are calling our Spectacular Finale Deluxe Poster.

Thank you for reading.