The Characters

- The Autobots -

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobot Team on Earth, and as such he is very leader-y and heroic.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Because the music video is set to the musical beats in the song, and eight beats is the general rhythm, we were able to show all four of the Autobots doing two shots each. Optimus was always the last, in everything except the dun-dun-dun-dun-dun sequence.

• Optimus was modeled first!

Key Moments:

• Optimus getting hit by Demolisher

• Optimus stabbing Megatron

• Optimus and Jazz's knowing look at each other


Bumblebee is the "kid" of the team, and often ignored by the others.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Bumblebee looks fat from an above view for some reason, so we took care to always show him from the front.

• Bumblebee was modeled right after OP, and in only three hours!

Key Moments:

• Bumblebee getting thrown by Demolisher

• Bumblebee falling from the sky with Ironhide

• Bumblebee getting kicked by Megatron


Ironhide's primary use to Optimus is that he has gigantic cannons on his forearms.
He is Optimus's main warrior next to Ratchet.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Ironhide was one of the trickiest to model.

• Ironhide was the third transformer to be modeled.

Key Moments:

• Ironhide hanging on to a skyscraper, searching for Decepticons

• Ironhide kicking Demolisher

• Ironhide getting kicked by Megatron


Ratchet is the medic and the warrior. His weapons are not shown in the video, but they are a drill-saw and a laser weapon.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Ratchet's arms are the easiest to model

• He was the fourth Transformer modeled

Key Moments:

• Ratchet getting kicked by Megatron

• Ratchet's "dance" clip, in which he swings his fist at Megatron


Jazz is an easy going transmission expert, but he knows judo and other martial arts!

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Jazz is a personal favorite

• He was the last Autobot modeled

Key Moments:

• Jazz pulling Demolisher up into the air and destroying him

• Jazz looking in bewilderment at Megatron calmly driving past him in tank mode

- The Decepticons -


Demolisher is a one bot wrecking machine. He is capable of tearing through concrete.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Demolisher was the easiest to model

• Demolisher is the sixth bot to be modeled

Key Moments:

• Taking out the Autobots one by one

• Getting destroyed by Jazz

• Slamming Optimus all the way to the other side of the city.


Megatron is the vicious Decepticon leader. He is trained to kick, stab and punch out any bots foolish enough to cross him.

Behind The Scenes Facts:

• Is the only bot that transform in the whole group

• Was modeled seventh

Key Moments:

• Finding Demolisher's head

• Kicking Ironhide and BB

• Getting stabbed by OP


Blackout only appears at the end of he video, but he is often not seen because people usually don't watch the end credits.

Behind The Scene Facts:

• Blackout is the eighth Transformer modeled, and the last one to be modeled

Key Moments:

• Looking at Megatron's spark-less body.