Monday, December 6, 2010

Whew! What a Clip!

Aghhhhh!! (The filmmaker's nightmare)

Doing a shot like the one done for this particular trick requires lots of patience.
Each frame had to be individually merged with the exact frame for the other clip, so as to get BB and Ironhide both in the same shot with Megatron and the city. It wasn't fun, but we managed to do it.
Because we are so exhausted, we were thinking about taking a short break, but no-can-do, unfortunately.
We just have got to start right away on the OP, Jazz and Megatron clip.
But, because you have read a lot of posts, done a lot of polls, subscribed, (well, maybe not), we are going to give you a great new video, showing our amazing job on this clip and some other clips too...

Oh and, what the heck was that on our last poll??? 
What kind of an answer is "I Like Cheese"!?
I mean, I can relate. I like cheese too.
But still!

Oh whatever.

-- GS

Upcoming Clips:

OP Attacks M, 4 secs. long

J's Final Punch, 4 secs. long

Megatron on the Ground, 4 secs. long

Titles, each clip 3 secs. long

Sneaky Clip at the End, 5 secs. long